Behold the Lamb Ministries, Inc.
“To glorify and exalt the Lord Jesus Christ by accurately and passionately
proclaiming the message of salvation, stimulating true Biblical fellowship among the people of God,
and serving with excellence that reflects Godliness and Christlikeness
in our homes, churches, vocations, and communities.”
Code of Christian Conduct
Behold the Lamb Ministries, Inc. (BTLM) volunteers are expected to seek to glorify God in attitude, word, and deed. As a basic standard, they are expected to abstain from the use of abusive substances, immorality, and profanity (Ephesians 4). While participating in Behold the Lamb Ministries, Inc., volunteers are expected to abide by the basic standards and to abstain from smoking, gambling, cheating, stealing, the use of vulgar or offensive language, and the use of alcohol as a beverage in any form, whether at a meeting, rehearsal, or performance. Respect for authority is required. Behold the Lamb Ministries believes that these practices are in conflict with the fulfillment of the Behold the Lamb Ministries Inc. Mission Statement, Core Values, and Statement of Faith, and in accordance with the policies of the venues used for meetings, rehearsals, or performances. Volunteers agree that discussions, regarding theological and doctrinal differences, will not be permitted at meetings, rehearsals, or performances.
Volunteers are expected to dress neatly and modestly, remembering at all times their roles as leaders within the ministry and community. Volunteers will dress in conformance with one’s biological sex, use restrooms/locker rooms/changing facilities conforming with one’s biological sex, and abstain from all intimate sexual conduct outside the marital union of one man and one woman (see Statement of Faith - Marriage, Gender, Human Sexuality - Biblical conduct).
Volunteers are expected to demonstrate a love, reverence, and respect for God, the Word of God, the Body of Christ, and all individuals through all forms of social media, displaying conduct that reflects Christlikeness and Godliness.
As a volunteer in Behold the Lamb Ministries, Inc., I am in agreement with the Behold the Lamb Ministries, Inc. Mission Statement/Core Values and Statement of Faith. I also agree to abide by the Code of Christian Conduct while serving in a volunteer capacity. I understand that failure to comply with the expected standards of conduct will subject a volunteer to dismissal or termination.
Signature ______________________________________________________________
Printed Name ______________________________________________________________
Date ______________________________________________________________